If you've received a traffic ticket, don't just pay it. Allow me to work on your behalf to keep the points from going on your state driving record, and from having your insurance rates go up. In almost all cases, points can be avoided. I can give you information you need to help you decide if your case is one that can be amended. I work to provide a better result than simply accepting a conviction, placing your driving privileges at risk, and paying your insurance company's increased rates.
Click here to find out how many points will be assessed if you plead guilty to the ticket you have been given.
If you enter a guilty plea to a Driving While Suspended charge and receive a conviction, you will also have 12 points assessed against your driver's record and have your driving privileges revoked for an additional year.
If you enter a guilty plea to a No Proof of Insurance charge and you are convicted of No Proof of Insurance, the Department of Revenue may issue points against your record, and/or suspend your driving privileges, and /or require you to pay a reinstatement fee, and/or require you to show proof of insurance in order to keep your driving privileges.
Steve Weir
Criminal Defense and Traffic Law Attorney